Discussing Religious Belief And Non-Belief: Seeing The Funny Side...

Religious Belief And Non-Belief: Seeing The Funny Side... 
Holy Apparitions In Odd Places... 

Here’s a staple ‘news filler’ item for you – something that pops up regularly to amaze and astound… those who are (erm...) 'very willing' to see things that they want to see; to interpret things the way they want to interpret them - without question: religious images ‘miraculously’’ appearing in various every days objects: usually foodstuffs: The Lord entreating sinners to repent from a cheese ‘n’ onion crisp; The Virgin Mary blessing us all from a slice of toast; The Buddha bringing peace to the world in the form of a misshapen potato, and I recall some years ago, that we had a story in the papers about the face of Jesus appearing in a knot in a floorboard…

Well folks, I have my very own take on this phenomenon – from a photo that I took when I was out rambling in Epping Forest. Exhibit A: my photo of the grubby slice of bread
But lo..! What magic is this?! I do believe I see the face of Jesus imprinted on this blessed bread..! Look to the left half of it! - Mind you, if you etch the outline on the right half, it looks like the cartoon dog Muttley, from Wacky Races... Odd bed fellows: or should that be BREAD fellows... The Lord moves in mysterious ways…

For any doubting Thomas’s out there - look to the copy of the picture printed on the right, where I have etched the outlines of both..! The message is clear (errrr…) YES! That’s it: Even a sinner like the wicked Muttley can find salvation in the Lord (ahem…) Repent ye all! – And curl up at His divine feet with… With Muttley… Yes…

Alternatively – we could use this image to put an end once and for all to kooky claims by overly religious weirdos who claim to see divine images in knots in wood, scorch marks, misshapen fruit and veg, and anywhere else that their mind takes them on some flight of fancy..!

Short sermon from the altar of ‘reality checks’: It's utter nonsense!: suggestion; coincidence; the simple ability to make what you want of any random blotch, scorch, or smear..!

Sermon over. 'Piece be with you.. (LOL..! :D ) .- (That's a wee Glasgow joke: coz 'piece' is Glasgow slang for a sandwich - see? See what I did there? See..? ...Sorry - I'll get my coat... ;/ )


(I found this image online. It's a Cartoonstock.com image; the cartoonist signs as Reynolds. My acknowledgement and thanks to both. :))



Now, you see, this amusing little cartoon neatly demonstrates why we dumb, flawed ol' humans will ultimately always be better than Artificial Intelligence (AI)...

And why, in Star Trek, Captain Kirk and his reckless, cavalier decision making: educated judgement - with human intuition - always showed-up and proved to be the better leadership decision making that Mr. Spock's robotic - and pompous --  'pure logic and reason'. 😏

It's simply true in life that by no means everything in the experience of life can be taken literally,  evaluated, and decisions made about them, without emotional considerations... 😏

(I found this cartoon online. My acknowledgment and thanks to whoever posted it / owns it (identity unknown to me); and also to the cartoonist: identity also unknown to me). 🙂)

Textual content: © Copyright MLM Arts 25. 12. 24. Edited and re-posted: 27. 12. 2024


Seeing the funny side...  Especially in the modern world of typos and predictive text... :)

My thanks to Sandy (Wellman) for the heads-up about this. Sandy posted it from a Facebook page called Contemplative Monk.

(I don't know who actually made the image, but my acknowledgement and thanks to that person. )


                                        RELIGIOUS STUDIES:

A wise tale on the subject of always behaving as though you are being watched... 

Wise words (paraphrased) from a young Roman Catholic priest, from his very entertaining and informative YouTube channel, called (with delightful irony) Breaking In The Habit....

Anyway - please read on, and learn... 

A burglar breaks into a mansion house in the dead of night... He finds the room containing the safe... 

As he approaches safe, he hears a voice, saying:

'Jesus is watching you...!'

He freezes - then looks around in a panic. Nobody there... But the voice chimes again:

'Jesus is watching you...!'

The burglar is freaked out... But when the voice sounds again: 'Jesus is watching you...!' he realises that it's coming from a dark corner of the room - and looking closer, sees a parrot on a perch... 

'Ha!' he gasps with relief. 'Was that you calling out?'

'Yes', said the parrot.

'You freaked me out, ya darn bird! What's your name?'

'Sweetie', the parrot replied.

'Bwa-ha-ha..!' the crook chuckled softly. 'Tough break, bird! What kinda people would name a parrot 'Sweetie'...!'

''The same kinda people that would name their Rottweiler Jesus...' Sweetie answered, smugly...

(I found this image online. I added the caption to it. My acknowledgement and thanks to whoever created and owns this image (identity unknown to me. :) )

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